NAP – The Constitution

nap-500000 – The Constitution and Amendments
nap-500100 Constitutional Changes

Every aspect of our lives is governed by the Constitution. It, and the Bill of Rights, should be our bible. Just as there are weekly bible studies there should be weekly ‘constitutional’ meetings. These documents are directly affect everything we do, and yet only a very small percentage of the American public have have any real knowledge of what is in them.

The Constitution

Who wrote the Constitution?

Every one of the authors were slave owners, as was most of the ruling class of the time. Does this make them ‘bad’ men. 

100221 What is justice? What is the law? The Constitution of the United States has become the ‘new bible’. It was written to protect everybody, so whoever you are you can find what you are looking for.

NAP – Citizens United

nap – Citizens United
Citizens United wiki video
nap-5100 The Supreme Court
nap-5200 Supreme Court Decisions

What did Citizens United do?

The ruling effectively freed labor unions, trust funds, and corporations to spend money on electioneering communications and to directly advocate for the election or defeat of candidates.

NAP – What Can We Do?

Without Constitutional Change, changes can only be made by changing the laws through federal and state lawmakers. The Supreme Court has now given itself complete authority over all other sources (repealed Chevron Decision).

Set Candidate Requirements
— We can require strict disclose of taxes and other financial statements.
— We can set limits on age, and wealth.
We can change laws to guarantee voting rights.
We can pass Universal Healthcare.
Repeal Citizens United
Bar Corporations from any political involvement
The Supreme Court has become a artisan institution

Prepare for the future
Have exit interviews when leaving military that specifically detait what benefits are available and where/how get them
Last year of high school – class to specifically prepare for College, Technical trianing, or just don’t know.

Re-Examine Subsidies Video


Nap – New Laws

Index New American Party
Before we can have new laws we need a new political party.

Tax Laws

Wealth Gap Laws
Inheritance Tax
No one should inherit a life of luxury. Republicans do everything they can to see that any aid to the poor requires they seek employment, yet it is ok for the children of the rich to live a life of ultra luxury without ever having to do anything.

Phil Cain How about a 100% estate tax after a certain threshold. If the next generation want to maintain the family wealth, teach them to run the family business.

NAP – Economic Slavery

nap-102000 Economic Slavery

What is Economic Slavery? The average American has effectively become a slave to his employer, be it an individual or corporation . In some cases benign, in many others not so benign.
We are a nation that is bound into economic slavery from cradle to grave. Every aspect of our lives is controlled by corporations and the wealthiest 1% of the nation. Through the use of donations, bribes, and gifts, corporations lobbyists and the rich ensure that only laws which favor them, or have their blessing, are passed. They use their overwhelming financial influence and political power to maintain and grow their hold on America.
We are the only nation in the world that ties healthcare to employment, where a lifelong debt is required for a higher education, and justice is proportional to wealth.

Capitalism – Allows Economic Slavery by placing profit above all else.

Corporations – Tools of Capitalists to expand Economic Slavery

References ==========
Wealth Gap

NAP – Wealth Gap

nap-102500 Wealth Inequality

This is an excellent video on what the wealth gap is, and how we got here. The real question is how do we fix it.
Possible Solutions
Pass New Laws
The big question is who is going to pass the new laws? We have been waiting for at least 30 years and nothing has happened because the people who control the congress do not want the laws changed.


How Trickle Down Works

Wealth – Earned or Inherited
Inheritances are not considered income for federal tax purposes, whether the individual inherits cash, investments or property.


nap-1000 Why NAP?
nap-0000 New American Party index
Previous – New American Party WHY
The Will of the Nation
A nation is more than just it’s founding document and principles. A nation is the sum of the living population that makes up the nation. The Will of the Nation is the prevailing beliefs and ideals of those who govern the nation and those who allow them to rule. Those who do not let their will be known, or do not express their will, effectively abdicate their rights in the rule of the nation.
Those in power will always try to bend and shape the laws to coincide with their beliefs. As long as the balance of power in government does not become out of balance between competing beliefs the nation will function.

Our current parties no longer represent to best interests of the American public. The Republicans have become a cult that only cares for its’ own self interests or the interests of its’ donors. The Democrats have become a party with so many causes that none are being fulfilled. They have become a party so divided that they have become ineffective as a safeguard against the onslaught of the Trumpified ,AGA Republican Party.

Citizens United gave control of our current political parties to the corporations and the wealthy We need to return the control of the government to the people.

Marbury vs Madison began the transfer of ALL power to the Supreme Court. The American democracy that we grew up with no longer exists.

Right now the priority must be to restore democracy and equality to America. In the long run it is morals, ethics, and equality that must be restored if America is to once is to once again become the beacon of freedom and hope that the world looks up to.

Thoughts – What is Important

Both posted Oct.16.
On Oct.18 the post on right has 35K comments, 1.2 K shares.
On Oct. 18 the post on left has 1 comment, 4 shares.
You tell me what the American Public cares about.

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thoughts – Long LIive the king

Rumers of his demise are very premature. When he draws a mob of an estimated 20,000 people, and the state Senator attends, he is not going away. Several top Republicans spoke before the crowd including Congresswomen Marianette Miller-Meeks and Ashley Hinson, Senator Charles Grassley and Gov. Kim Reynolds.
In Iowa this week, 93% of Republicans favored Trump.

Thoughts – Shaking the Jar

We should consider not only who is shaking the jar,j but why they are shaking the jar, and why are they being allowed to do it.
They are shaking the jar because they know that it will arouse the ire of their base and they can fundraise from the division they cause. They know from experience that there is no downside for lying and misleading the public, as long as what they say is what their audience want to hear.
Why do we let them? Because the Constitution of the United States gives them the freedom of speech and no one position is about to question the Constitution or what Freedom of Speech means.