NAP – Why? NAP

nap-1000 NAP, Why? New American Party (NAP)

Because our current political parties no longer represent the average American. Our political parties, congress and the government are controlled by corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
What can we do?
We can create a movement that represents all Americans. Not just the ultra-rich, corporations, and powerful self-interest groups.
1. The Number One priority has to be to restore control of the government to the people. To remove the influence of corporation, the wealthy and their lobbyists from elections and the government.
Until self interest, greed, and corruption are removed, or at least severely limited, from politics and government any meaningful changes to current laws will be blocked.
It will not be easy.
Corruption and greed have become deeply entrenched in our nations political parties. The Constitution of the United States is designed for a two party system. Over the last two decades wealth has come to dictate who can run for elected office, and who is ultimately the winner. A corporation is now recognized as a ‘person’ with the right to influence our elections and what laws are passed. Corporations and the wealthy will not relinquish their hold on the nation without a fight. More important, they are now doing all in thier power to destroy our democracy and cement permanent control over our country.


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The Will of the Nation
A nation is more than just it’s founding document and principles. A nation is the sum of the living population that makes up the nation. The Will of the Nation is the prevailing beliefs and ideals of those who govern the nation and those who allow them to rule. Those who do not let their will be known, or do not express their will, effectively abdicate their rights in the rule of the nation.
Those in power will always try to bend and shape the laws to coincide with their beliefs. As long as the balance of power in government does not become out of balance between competing beliefs the nation will function.

Our current parties no longer represent to best interests of the American public. The Republicans have become a cult that only cares for its’ own self interests or the interests of its’ donors. The Democrats have become a party with so many causes that none are being fulfilled. They have become a party so divided that they have become ineffective as a safeguard against the onslaught of the Trumpified ,AGA Republican Party.

Citizens United gave control of our current political parties to the corporations and the wealthy We need to return the control of the government to the people.

Marbury vs Madison began the transfer of ALL power to the Supreme Court. The American democracy that we grew up with no longer exists.

Right now the priority must be to restore democracy and equality to America. In the long run it is morals, ethics, and equality that must be restored if America is to once is to once again become the beacon of freedom and hope that the world looks up to.