

b-200100-Basics – DCP Web Designsers https://youtu.be/gepD8FgcXJQ
00:57 emit particles from cube
click on object to be the emitter
– select particles tab and click


Ducky 3D https://youtu.be/2bv973aqx-w{

Blender Made Easy – Morph Particles


change particle color, size ove time – good



How armatures work VERY GOOD
how armatures work – very detailed

Skin and Armature – Joey Carlino – easy vertex sculpture with armatures
Timestamps: Intro
00:00 Starting Character 1
00:49 Making Hands
06:04 Low-poly Style 08:36 Starting Character 2 09:10 Adding More Mass
10:31 Making Muscles
11:48 Adding An Armature
14:15 Posing Tip 15:00 Outro 16:20

Armatures in plane mesh

blender3.0 overview ok



Creating the Armature

  1. Select the model, then go into Object Mode.
  2. Press “Ctrl + Numpad 3” to go into a sideways view.
  3. Select the Wireframe View.
  4. Press “Shift + A” to add an armature. Congratulations, you now have the core bone for your model!

https://youtu.be/IAiTYaiZmY0?t=7 Grant Abbot
Animating a very basic Snake

Armatures – Grant Abbot

Mechanical Armature


Course for Rigby




Basics of how understand imported rigs.


nap-101039 Otherism

What is otherism?

What is otherism? Otherism is not about the color a persons skin. It is not about who you claim as friends. It is not about the charities you support.
Otherism is about how your soul looks at ‘others’. Who are the ‘others’? Others are all who do not share our own personal goals and beliefs. They are the people who you fear will change your way of life.
We have become a nation where ‘others’ are to be feared and outcast. We have lost the ability to see the truth and instead accept the lies we want to hear.
We are no longer a nation that shares its wealth and goodwill with the world, but hordes it as if it were a precious commodity to be bargained for.
 We thought that the 2020 election was for the soul of our country. But we were wrong.  Changing the political power from one political party to another party will not solve our nation’s dysfunction.  The soul of our country is not determined by whatever political party is in power.  It is determined by the beliefs of the people of the country.  These beliefs are determined by what we learn at home, in school, and in our religious institutions.  This is where Change is needed. 

Until America learns that trust, goodwill, and respect are more powerful than fear, hate, bigotry and distrust America will never be the nation of freedom and equality that the nations founders envisioned.
There will always be those who believe that ‘others’ are out to get them.  There will always be someone, or some group, using ‘others’ to divide us to promote personal gain, be it financial or for power.   Until, as a nation, we have the moral and ethical strength needed to control these people we will continue to be a divided country.
Only when we stop seeing ‘others’ and see ‘Americans’ will we become ‘one nation under God’.

b-0010-Blender-Hot Keys


version 2.8 changes

Key??= a pressed key
RMB = right mouse click
LMB = left mouse click
MMB = moues left click Mr= mouse right click
MMBS = mouse scroll wheel.
Ctrl = control key
Alt = Alt key
Shft= shift key
NP = number pad

Object Mode Basic hotkeys used all of the time
AltG – reset object to location origin
ALTG,S,R clear location, scale, roation
ATT? – ALT is now the general reset key
ALT-G clear location
ALT-r clear rotation
Alt-S clear scale

Edit Keys
CtrlR – loop cut


numpad 0 – focus on selected object object mode

shftA – bring up add menu
shftD – duplicate an object
KeyT – brings up Transformation quick tools
KeyN- Brings up quick object item menu
shiftRTClk – set the 3d cursor – location for new objects
Transforming objects
KeyS -scale object – all axes
keyX, keyY, keyz – select corresponding axis
KeyS, KeyX – scale only on x axis
ML -Select object
ML-drag select an area

Camera Hot Keys

A selet all objects
NP0 – select camera view or camera icon on screen
CtrlAltNP0 – set camera to current view

NP5 switch perspective/orthographic view or icon on screen

KeyC – brings up selection tool for circle, good for showing specific areat in tutorials


Video Sequincer
Home – fit all tracks to timeline
pg Up/ Pg down – start/end timeline
ctr;-end sets end frame

bv-1000 – Beginner Tutorial Courses

bv-1000 – Beginner Tutorial Courses

Google search for best tutorials You can look at this list and see if anything fits you needs. I found that many of these are not free. I only look at free items, but if you are willing to pay for a tutorial you may want to use one of them.| MAKE SURE the tutorial is based on Blender version 3.8 or later!!!.

I decised to use this one because I know Grant Abbot is very clear and easy to follow.

Full Course Playlist -Grant Abbot
User Interface
– Moving around the scene
Add Objects– Movement tools –
General Workspaces
Rendering Modes
Render tab – Eevee / cycles
making EEVEE better
create an image of the scene

Grease Pencil



Render a video with transparent background.

Make in Blender 3.0
Movie tab
Film section set to transparent
 - background will change from gray to black.
Render   tab
file format PNG 16
F-12Render the file
=== go to video sequences
add image sequence
– open folder – press A to select all images
select add images
=== Render   tab
file format FFMPEG select RPGA
container = Quicktime
codex = QT rle / QT Animation
ctrl-F12 -Render the final animation

csp- 13100 Blender to CSP

How to render a single image.

Render Sibgle Image


Render video from png via video sequencer – needed for trans with CreateStudio for transparent background.
Render video or png with transparant background – best video
How to render PNG with transparent background (2)_

Basic tutorial – – not so great, see above video for transparency
2:01​ How To Render in Blender
7:45​ How To Render an Image
8:56​ How To Render an Animation
11:05​ How To Render to a Video File
14:35​ How To Render using OpenGL
18:04​ Rendering from the Command Line

b-0000-Blender Index

b-0000-Blender Master Index

b-0010- 3d Fundamentals (in process)
b-0010 – Blender Hot Keys
b-1003 Getting Started
b-1020 – Preferences
b-1030 – User Interface (UI)
b-1040 Navigation
b-1040 Basic Layout (Template)
b-1100-Object Mode

====== Edit Mode ============
b-2000-Edit Mode
b-2160 Loop Cut ctrl-R

b-2800 Lighting
b-3000-Shader Editor
b-3200 – Shader Nodes ————–
b-3210 Shader Nodes – Full Course
b-3212-Shader Nodes – Full Course – Greg Abbitt
b-3218 – Make a transparent object
b-3400- Wave Texture
b-3420 –Gradients
Gradient Basics – very god
Gradient Node


========== Modifiers ==========
b-5100-Mirror Modifier

================= ANIMATION =======
b-6000-Animation Rigging
b-6110- Keyframing 3.0
b-6100 -Basic Human
b-6500-Arnatures Rigging
b-6510 Basic armature and rigging
b-6700 – Riggig
– tutorial w/o head

b-6900 Metaballs
==== ADD ONS ========

b-7400 Asset Broower

=========== TEXT =============
b-8000 Text

b-8100 3d Text
b-8200 How to Outline Text
b-8300 – geometry node text basics
b-8500 – Text Quick Start

b-8600 Text on a Curve

===== RENDERING =====
b-9000-Render – Video and Images

b-9500 Camera


b-25000 – lipsync
create head and lipsync Joey
– Rigify 3.0 Head
b-25300 Audio Volume LipSync

b-30000- Geometry Nodes

b-40000 verge ==================
b-40050 verge Beginners manual
b-40100 – Verge 3d tutorial – Reminton very good
– how to fly a drone
installation of Verge

bqt- 0000 Blender Quick Tips
bqt-2400 Texture Keyframe Animation

b-4400- Sky – Night Sky – Stars
b-4410 Night sky with changing elements
Simple world setting