u-1100 Personalize Setup

u-1100 Set up you Screen

One of the most important steps to learn Unity is to understand the basic Unity screen. Most people just jump into creating a scene and only look at the setup when they run into trouble. You will save hours of time and frustration by spening a little time getting to know how to use the interface and set up a screen that meets your needs.

Remove the SkyBox from the scene.
Basic Hierarchy Overview

Edit -> Preferences
– set text scaling size
– set color – general – playmode tint.


u-4000 – GameObject

u-4000 – Object Actions
Prerequisites: Understand the Unity coordinate system.
The basic actions performed on an object are controlled by the objects Transform component. This component is located in the inspector panel when the object is selected.

u-4020 What can you do with a Unity GameObject.

ue-Unity Exercises

ue-0000 Unity Exercises

After 50 years of watching tutorials I have finally realized that I have retained very little from them. Most tutorials (mine included) are good at seeing how to do something, but very little of what learned is retained. This is because most tutorials cover too much information in too short a time.

ut-Basic Blocks

ut-Basic Blocks
Basic Blocks are the building blocks for creating Unity Projects and Scenes.

u-WebGL – Itch

u-WebGL – Itch
WebGL is a great way to provide access to your Unity Projects.

u-WebGL General
You can develop in Unity. Note that items that are mouse clicks will be touch objects when viewed on the web.
u-WebGL – install in Unity
u-WebGL – Publish
u-WebGL – upload to ITCH

  1. Open Unity
    Check to see that the WebGL Publisher is installed, if not install it.
  2. Create the Project in Unity
  3. Publish the project to build the build file
  4. Zip the file
  5. Open Itch and upload the file.


u-3300 Text Mesh Pro TMP

u-3300 Text Mesh Pro TMP

Text Mesh Pro is the basic app used ot crete text in Unity Projects.

using TMPro;
public TextMeshProUGUI lbtext;// This is the FIELD NAME, not the actural text

lbtext.text = “lb Title”; // code to change listbox on screen

Make sure ALL associated packages are installed from windows\Text Mesh Pro . Text will not display if fonts are not installed, and not message is displayed.

Set Game Windoww to desired resolution
– 1920 x 1080
this will be the canvas size.
create canvas
set camvas tp screem camera
– set to camera view
– assign a camera (main camera)

camvas size will correspont to the game window setting.
Open the EventSystem game object
set First Selected to Canvas.

Create pael game object. P0go
Create the panel as child ot P0go.
-resize to fill canvas
– set color

======== TMP BUTTON =================
video tutorial good

——– save ——-
add a button to the TMP canvas
UI -> TMP Button
   ——– save, return to Unity ——–
.Create name and open new C# script.
– make sure to include: using TMPro;
    enter code for the output variable
——– save –return to Unity——
. Create and name new empty.
. Add c# script to the output field –

     in the clicked script section
      -drag and drop from UI canvas -Text
        to the empty script field
——– save ——-
select the tmp button on the TMP canvas. Connect
in the button clict event  add the empty  object c# script to the button   click event
     – press the small + at bottom of click event          to add new event.
——– save ——-

——– save ——-

u-0700 Unity Layout

u-0700 Unity Layout

0710 Default View – This is the official Unity documentation for the Unity Interface.

When we first opened unity we see it in the default view. This is the basic Unity layout. The user can easily modify the layout to meet the needs of the project they are working on. Once a new layout has been created it can easily be saved and used in any future project. See Windows -> Layout.

Use Scaling to change the the interface text size.
Edit -> Preferences -> Scaling

u-7010 – removing the skybox
u-xxx – change game playing background
edit – preferences – colors – general – game mode tint

u-7020 Top Menu
File Edit Assets GameObject ….. Windows Help
u-7100 Panels

u-7110 Hierarchy Panel

It has four primary sections.

The hierarchy section.

The screen view section

The inspector panel

The project panel

 The hierarchy section.

The screen view

The inspector panel

Unity Project Panel
While you’re in unity working on a project and you have your panels showing the current scene you are in you can search for data by using a search bar above the control panel. When you type in the definition that you want to look for it will find all objects that match that definition for example if you’re looking for a script it will show you all of the scripts. Once you find the script you want and you drag it to the object you want it attached to you can simply move to the end of the search bar and press the small X which will clear the search bar and return you to your previous panel display.

Icons – skybox – hide show objects – speaker

The Unity Layout has four primary panels.




  • 2. Screen Details
    Hierarchy – scene consists of Camera, Directional Light
    – can be visible or not, associated with all on/off icon on top menu.

3. Components
– Cube