sr-1100 What we Believe fb post
It has become apparent from events of the last several years the belief is much more powerful than reality. The human brain has developed the ability to rationalize and block out reality and replace it with with an ‘alt-reality’ that becomes the believers reality. Once established, it is almost impossible to deny the alt-reality and retun to actual reality. Todays vast communication choices provide complete worlds of alt-realties that it is possible to live in.
Belief is the most powerful force in our lives. Everything we do is based on our beliefs. Beliefs are so powerful because what we ‘know’ is miniscule in comparison to what we ‘believe’. Beliefs are formed from our life experiences. When we are young most of our beliefs are formed from what we have learned from our parents. Before we ever start school the basis of our beliefs has been fromed. As we go through life our beliefs will change as we are exposed to new experiences, ideas and beliefs. Some we will accept, some we will reject.
Two types of beliefs that make up who we are. The first is the facts we know from personal experience and can physically verify. Things we can see and feel and can verify their existence. Facts are truth, whether we accept them or not.
The second is belief. A belief is what we accept as truth when direct evidence from events or physical facts cannot be obtained, or when we refuse to accept reality. As soon as man acquired the ability to ‘think’ the need to explain life and the universe began. Stories and myths were created to explain the unexplainable. Beliefs are based solely on the experience each individuals as they go through life.
Most of the things we think we ‘know’ are really beliefs. God is the best example of this. It is impossible to prove God exists, or does not exist, and yet almost every person on the planet will tell you they ‘know’ that that god exists, or does not exist. Most will say they will die before giving up their belief.
We must constantly aware that what we ‘know’ may in actually be a ‘belief’. For thousands of years man believed that the world was flat. People did not ‘know’ the world was flat, it appeared tp be flat and they were told by their leaders and educators that it was flat. We now ‘know’ that the Earth is spherical. What will we know tomorrow?
It is difficult, if not impossible, for people to accept changes to established beliefs, even small ones. Beliefs established in childhood will create the foundation of the person’s life that will be with them until they die. This is especially true of religious or spiritual beliefs that have been handed down for generations and learned from birth. It is difficult, or impossible, for most people to admit to themselves that something they have believed their whole life is built on beliefs. Changing beliefs handed down from former generations creates a sense of betrayal. It is much easier to find ‘facts’ to validate the belief.
When you are ‘young’ and are still trying to figure out who you are you look to others for answers that will form your fundamental beliefs. It is not until you can start to look beyond yourself that you can think about your relationship to others, to the universe, and to yourself.