nap-3000400 End of the American Nation
America no longer exists as a nation. It has become 50 states bound together in name only. When citizens of one state must flee to another for sanctuary you can no longer say the live in the same country. America has become 50 states divided by bigotry, fear, hate, and mistrust.
We have already experienced one failed insurrection, will there be another one in 2024, or even sooner?
Over the last six years the Democrats have failed America. They have allowed the far right maga evangelical movement (Magelicans) to take over a majority of the political power of the nation. Magelican majorities now contorl most state governments and the United Stataes House of representatives.
Use it of Lose it..
The end of democracy in America will not come at the hands of the Magelicans. It will come because of the failure of democracy. The failure of the average American to participate in their government.