wc- Why Play WOW-

wc-1010 Why play WOW
  wc-1010 FB- Why Play WOW-

wc-1050 Why Play World of Warcraft WOW

I play because is is one of my favorite games, and because even with my VERY limited vision I can still get by in most areas.
– need to get away
– fun -free

– Latest editionss can be played with limited vision (need some patience). Could not play Classic versins, no edit mode.
– travel to exciting and beautiful new locationsYou can relax and enjoy the almost unlimited
locations and quest available, even in the starter
– starter edition (free).
– meet incredible characters and creatures

wc- Exile’s Reach

wc-1001200 Exile’s Reach
Exile’s Reach is a new area which can be used by all races as
their starting area.
– Create Character
Set Options

wc-1001210 The Sea Voyage
wc-1001220 At the Beach

wc – Addons

wc-1200 WOW Addons – Windows
This app will easily load and install WOW addons.

wc-Curseforge - Web App to handle WOW addons
  Home Page  Download

1. Open the Download page for windows.
   – Select the ‘Download Standalone’ option.

2. Go to your download folder and run the Curseforge install application.

3. The application icon will appear in your taskbar.

3 click on icon and open Curseforge.
4. Search for the Addon you wish to install in the search box at the top of the window.
5. Press the install box next to the addon name.

wc-0080 – Why Play WOW

wc-1050 – Why Play WOW - see FB post

-WC is a game you can play for years without completing all of its activities and quests.

   It will keep you working for as long as you want it to.
  -old, coming back to see what you missed, like Disneyland.

Play to enjoy not hurry. To create tutorials and maps, not quests.

– best/worse is the number of charterers and profession mixes. Takes a lot of time, need regular game and mail.
– how/where you want to play will determine cost. If starter free, everything else monthly.


wc-1001000 Northshire Human Hunter sequence
The Human Hunter is the most popular starting character.
  -must have created you character (see fb).
  – set character options after character is created- wc-1010

– Basic Human characteristcs
– pet at ;eve; 5 ( wolf)
– Select Beastmaster as

======== QIUESTS ============
wc-1001101 q1 kill the Worgs fb
wc-10001102 q2 kill the spies fb

q3 –Join the Battle
Report to Sergeant Willem
– no video , just travel.

Use minimap to locate Sgt. Willum and trvel to him
– complete quest
q4 They Sent Assassins
– kill 8 goblin assassins
just go to area on minimap and kill the goblins
– return to sgt Willum and complete
– get quest from Brother Paxton before moving on.

q5 -Fear no Evil (from Brother Paxton)
Revive 4 injured soldiers
find the highlighted injured soldiers in the quest area defined on the minimap and right click on them to heal them.
– return to brother Paxton
-complete quest

Q6 The Rear is Clear
 travel only – see minimap
if the target is off the map an arrow will point to the location. You may be able to use the scroll wheel to zoom the map so you can see the ?
Travel to the location and complete quest.
The next quests introduce the need to get all available quests before going to quest area.
These quests also introduce enemies with red lifelines. Any enemy with a red lifeline will attack you if you get near enough to them.
Do quest 7 and 8 together.
q7 Blackrock Invasion
  – get 8 Blackrock weapons by killing Blackrocks.
Make sure you have also have the quest from Millie.
At level 5 get wolf as pet video
– Use tame pet to get BlackRock worg as pet.

wc – Options

wc-1110 Options  ( Press ESC for Game Menu) 
How you set your options can make a great difference in your WOW experience. It is well worth the time spent to look over the many options to see what works best for you. 
NOTE: Not all options Options apply to ALL of you characters.
Some options are specific to the currently selected character.

Very Basic Starting Settings see fb
– Interface
    - check Auto Loot
Action Bars ======================
  – add 2, and 4
Key bindings=========================
   - change Target Nearest Enemy to backtick key
      ( ` to left side of 1 key) 
 Social ===================
  – Block guild invites.
As you play WOW you will find additional settings that work for you.

– set silhouette on – allows character to easily be seen