Blender BSDF


Principled Shader (BSDF) – primary node, added 2.8
This node will provide a good start for beginning Blender.
Why Principled BSDF?
3:58 Default Fresnal (What is fresnel)
7:39 Proper Roughness (How roughness works)
10:10 Metalness workflow (dielectrics and metals)
14:28 Extra freebies Hands-on Demonstration
14:58 Start
16:40 Base color
16:58 Metallic
17:37 Roughness
17:54 Specular
19:19 Specular Tint
20:25 Distribution thing at the top there
21:00 Anisotropic, Anisotropic Rotation, Tangent
22:20 Sheen, Sheen Tint
25:00 Clearcoat, Clearcoat Gloss (Roughness)
26:53 Clearcoat Normal
27:40 IOR, Transmission
29:28 Practical example with Monkey Head and Image Textures