nap-Constitutional Change

nap-501100 Constitutional Change
nap-500000 The Constitution
nap-0000 NAP index

The US Constitution was written in another time. It will only function in a society that values truth and the rights of others. We no longer live in that time. On 070124 the Supreme Court used the vague wording of the Constitution to grant unlimited immunity to the president of the US, in effect making him the King of America.

The Constitution was written in 1776. It no longer addresses the many dangers to democracy that exist today.
Even if pro-democracy forces prevail in 2024 and take control of the congress and presidency there will be no lasting changes without changes to the Constitution. As long as Supreme Court justices have lifetime terms and no oversight and they they have complete and final say in determining how laws can can be applied and whether or not they are legal democracy cannot be safe.

Times have changed, it is time for the Constitution, or Bill of Rights, to change.
071724 – It is time to bar anyone with a state or federal felony conviction to be barred from congressional or presidential office.

100421 I realize now that this was exactly the opposite of what the constitution was written for. It, and the Bill of Rights, were written to protect the minority states, instead it is being used to give minority states with white majorities absolute power which they are using to keep control of the nation.

051020 – “We have ceased to be a country where the constitution is protection from a minority of the population willing to go to any length to secure their power.

Through ambivalence and apathy, the American public has lost control of their future. We have ceased to be a country where the constitution is protection for a minority of the population to a country where the constitution protects a minority who are willing to go to any length to secure their power and destroy democracy.

Will there ever be another amendment or change to the constitution. Not unless there is a massive change in the culture of America.
Political gridlock and public apathy make any change an impossibility.

What does it take to change the Constitution?
How to change the Constitution
Proposal of an Amendment:
The amendment must be proposed either by:
A two-thirds majority vote in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.
A constitutional convention called by two-thirds of state legislatures (34 out of 50 states). This method has never been used.

Once proposed, the amendment must be ratified by three-fourths of the state legislatures (38 out of 50 states).

Alternatively, ratifying conventions in three-fourths of the states can approve it, though this method has only been used once, for the 21st Amendment.
This ensures that any change to the eligibility requirements for the presidency, including age limits, requires broad consensus at both federal and state levels.
Would changing the Constitution do any good?  Ultimately laws are written and passed regardless of the what is written in the Constitution. Justifications are made. Interpretations differ. Different parts of the Constitution are emphasized.
Equality Freedom are the overriding principles of the Constitution. And yet, since its inception they have never come to fruition for all Americans. The Trump Maga Supreme Court

# Changes needed
nap-201510 Pardons –
nap-201520- congressional pay and benefits

#1st Amendment ———————-
– Need to add limits to threats, intimidation, and blatant lies.
#electoral college #elections ——————–
– electoral count reform and controls on what state legislatures
can and can’t do in federal elections.
– protect voter rights in ALL elections.

#Term Limits —————————
– 2 year terms are insane.
– where and how long congress/senate are in session
#Congressional Benefits #Benefits ————
– salaries and benefits- especially healthcare.


120522 – Trump article – Trump asks for changes, WH says constitution is sacrosanct.
120522 – fbpost
120522- Supreme court decision on gerrymandering