csp – Magnifying Glass

csp-20200 -Magnifying glass
This is a really great effect, and not too hard to create.
How to create a Magnifying Glass- official CSP – Very Good
00:00- Intro – Start of tutorial
00:24 – Use square shape to create a the background
00:47 Add text
00:58 Group text and square (background)
– name ‘Scene’
00:57 Duplicate the scene (ctrl-D)
-use to create magnified text.
– name scene ‘Magnify’
01:21 desdription
01:33 Add circle for magnifying glass
01:44 Select ‘magnify’ scene and scale
01: Create animation for magnifying glass — VERY GOOD

#4 – Add a circle
– Create animation to move magnifying glass

Magnifying Glass effect -Randy’s Tips – very detailed
Animate circle to follow path