b-6920 metaball abstraction
b-6900 Metaballs
Set up the screen
stay in EVEE
– on video tab
turn on ambient occlusion – occlusion bloom
– screen space reflections – motion blur
Add a meatball
-shiftA – metaballs – ball
– scale down
Add- mesh – isophere to be container
switch to wireframe
select particle tab
press add
set emitter to hair – make usre it is blue(selected)
changes sourc – faces to volume
– hair should now be on metaballs
set object to metaball
scale to 0.03
se;ect the metaball
set resolution to 0.05
select the isosphere (particle tab)
emitter- emission
set number to 15
set random scale to 0.04
add displace modifier
move above the the particle system modifier
– added automatically when particle system item selected
select icon on far right of texture and select clouds.
— need empty object so we can loop opject
add empty plane – empty plane axis
select isophere – displace modifier
change local to object
select the empty as object
selec empty object
double click on screen to rotate everything.
ends at 04:00
add – empty – plain axis
select isophere
select displace modifier
change from local to object
select obect to be ’empty’
select empty object
press R twice and view how it rotates
select isophere
select wireframe modifier
set thickness to 0 to hide isophere
add animation rotate 360d
—- Start of shading
open the shader
select the empty
select new
set base to black
add mix shader
add emission set color
roughness to o
created 1 and 2 metaballs