csp-Template or New Project?

csp-1000 – Templates or New Project
so you are now the proud new owner of Create Studio Pro.
CSP is geared to those new to video animation. It has been specifically designed to allow those with little or no technical backgrounds to quickly start making videos. It does this by supplying a large number of ready made templates that can be modified to the users unique requirements.

CSP contains many advanced tools to quickly create assets or modify existing ones.
Tools such as text editing and manipulation tool to let you create complex text animations from a single property panel in just a few minutes, or eve seconds!

With a couple more clicks you can add a doodle to the text.

–create a travellog

csp-11000a – Use a Template or create a new project.
csp-1100b – Start with a template

csp- Track Matte

csp-7500 – Track Matte
— slso see masking

Track Matte is a relative new setting in CSP (version 7.xx)
It augments masking
csp-7520 Flashing Outline Effect

csp-New Project-Template

csp-1104 – New Project Template
When creating a new project with a blank canvas there are several parameters that can be set.  

OPEN AND SET UP CANVAS ==============
– group and name and frame
– when at start of timeline can click and see name in comment
-. Open CSP
— Click ‘New Project’
— Set canvas format
720 1080 Facebook
– video formats reference – advanced
Select canvas color , font, size,
— press create project.

— add frame if desired.
It is hard to distinguish the black canvas from the black background. You can create an outline to show where the canvas is.
– video mytutorial add frame

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dcsp- Camera Component

csp-2650 Camera Component

– myTutorial video – in process
— no camera on timeline
— go to components,
— select camera and drag to canvas
— camera is now on timeline
— dbl click where move is to start
— when setting up area that camera will display the vertical and horizontal dimensions are fixed and cannot be changed, only the overall area size.

see Animations

csp -Characters

CSP official list of characters and their actions
Note that only a limited number of characters are included in the Basic Package. The All Access Pass is required for access to all characters.
3d Characters are on of the most used assets . Understanding how to effectively use them will make a create difference in final animations.
csp-2221 3D  Characters
It is very important to understand that ‘3d’ characters are not really 3d characters. They are 2d animations of 3d characters. Create Studio Pro is a 2d animation application.
– Which characters do you have?
look at list and point out starts – All Access Pass only.
-Each character has a specific set of actions unique to that character.
– Multiple actions can be added, or if necessary deleted.
– Most Common Settings, Motions, and Loops can be
used on characters
– Adding additional animations.
– also see animations tutorial
– highlight characters with camera movements.
– adding lip sync
– see csp-11200 – Lipsync 3d characters -Randy’s Tutorial

csp official tutorial – character actions – not a video
Changing length of character actions 

2222 Supreme     
2223 Bobbleheads tutorial
2224Transitions   2245 flow  aa
csp-10600 doodles
2227 animals

csp- myIndex – How does it work

csp-0010 myIndex – How does it work
see csp0000- myIndex

myIndex is a tool to help quickly find hep with Create Studio Pro.
It contains links to tutorials and other assets to help understand what Create Studio Pro is, and how it works.
You can use ctrl-F to search a specific page, or use the serch icon (magnifying glass) in the upper right corner to search the entire website.

ial csp – Lip-sync 2d Character

csp-15300 – Lipsync 2d Character

– character does not move.
-color around mouth does nto change
-add image , video or gif to canvas
– add and size shape to cover mouth, use eyedropper to match color.
– use the pen tool create the new set of lips on the rectangle (a path).


csp- Create a Test Video

csp-20300 – Create a Test Video
There are many times we need a video to use in tutorials. The test video will have audio that is not synced to the video. It will be used in later videos to show how to cut and sync audio and video.
We will create that video here.

1. open a new project.
2. add 3 text boxes. each 3 seconds long, with A, B, and C as text.
3. Create audio track and add to timeline.
4. Publish the video
Save the final video in a folder for future use.
final test video
— Test Vide use in Video Editor