csp-15000 Audio-Video Editor
Tutorial Video – Edit the test video – Needs to be redone
csp-5100 Import Video and create separate video and audio tracks.
– in process
Maany times you will want t seperate the audio and video from imported video clips. You may want only the audio, or a portion of the audio.
How to import, separate audio and video, and re-edit to sync the audio with the video.
1. import a video with audio and drag to canvas.-video tutorial
2. Select the Video track and duplicate.
Select the video track and set volume to 0,
3. name duplicated video track ‘sound’
4. Select the sound track by left clicking on it,
5. Right click on the sound track. select edit audio from popup selections.
6. you can now edit fade-in, fade-out, and volume.
Examples at end.
csp-15200 – Audio/Video Sync
csp-15205 – Lipsync 3d characters Randy’s Tips – very good
csp-15210- 3d DAZ Import to CSP
csp-15300 2d character lipsync
— Example lip-sync oh yeah
The CSP editing is limited, but very effective. Other than the ability to position clips and move them around, the only real editing feature is the ability to cut clips.
– understand how to import Files
– Understand the timeline
– Create a Test Video
Also see lip-sync
However, it is extremely easy to use and very powerful. I use it for almost all of my editing and video creation.
- Import tlhe test video created previously
or use your own file.
2. Drag the test video from the folder on to the canvas, Not
to the timeline.
— Position and scale the video to fit the area you want it to be in.
You can clip the video if necessary.
Once in place play it back to verify it is ok.
Duplicate the video for use as the audio track.
– rename the audio track ‘audio’
Cut the video into A B C parts and make parts equal lenght
cut the audio video into sound for A B C.
Match sound to video