csp-21000 CSP Official Web Site
This is not a Technical Support question. It is a Create Studio Pro corporate philosophy question.
The stated purpose of the CSP official web site is :
This group is only accessible to Create users as we aim for this to be a hub for valuable information.
– This is not a group for support. For support, please contact https://support.createstudio.com/
” We reserve the right to delete posts and/or ban members after two warnings if their post goes against the spirit of this group to provide value to its members. Such posts are: affiliate links or sales pitches, support requests that belong in the support desk, inappropriate or hate speech in any form, posts that do not provide value for anyone, for example “this software sucks”, devaluing comments toward others in the group.”
I am tired of the back and forth on the question of what should be sent to Technical Support, and what can be asked on the ‘Official’ Create Studio Pro Facebook site.
I worked as a worldwide technical support manger for a major computer company for many years. The last thing I needed to see was a bunch of simple questions from new users who had no clue as to how the program worked or where to find that information. Technical Support should not be wasting their time working on mundane questions when there are users with real technical problem waiting for an answer. When I have a real problem I want Technical Support working on that and giving me a quick answer.
Almost every day I see posts from new users asking simple questions, and one of the site police telling them to go to tech support. And even if they do send a message to tech support the answer will usually be a link to a page they have already read.
This is very bad for the CSP image. Opening a tech support issue is, to say the least, inconvenient. As a new user on the 30 day trial you are inclined to say ‘to heck with this’ and ask for a refund. The stated goal is that the ‘official’ Facebook site is to be a site for ‘valuable information’. what can be more valuable than information on how to use the application? When questions are sent to tech support only the person sending the question knows that it was sent to tech support and is the only on who sees the answer. So the same question gets asked over and over. There is on way for others to know the question has already been asked and answered. When asked on the FB site it the informaton is available to everyone.
As I have stated before. I use CSP several hours every day. I believe it is one of the best, if not the best, video animation applications that someone new to video animation can get. But even beyond that, it has incredibly tools that advanced users can use to very easily and quickly put together demo or test videos. I want Create Studio Pro to succeed. New users should be nourished and encouraged. Not driven away empty handed when they ask help.