Thoughts – God Gave Us a Brain

God gave us a brain.
Was God a triskster? Did he just put all of this physical evidence in front of us to confuse us?
If God had wished us to mindlessly worship him why did he give us a brain, and the intelligence and inquisitiveness to use it? Why did he put the story of the earths creation in full view through thistory of the earth and the history of the universe if he did not wish us to seek it out. Throughout history we have let those who deny the truths that God has so clearly placed in front of us deceive us with false and misleading claims that the word of man is stronger than the spirit of God winin us.
I believe that God intended that we use the brain he has given to us. If he intended that we be mindless followers whose only purpose was to worship him mindlessly he would not have given us the inquisitive nature that has allowed us to better understand the Universe he created for us.
There are those who would say that only they know who God is and what his will for us is. I believe that when we were born we were all given the same inner spirit of God. No man knows God, or his will, any better than any other man. We only have to look deep inside ourselves to find that part of God that is within us. Sadly, too many have buried that spirit so deep that they no longer reach it. Too many have let the word of man drown out the spirit of God.