
WC-Inscription General
There are two versions of Inscription, Cataclysm and Classic. Use Classis if in Started Edition (free)

WC-Inscription Classic
– get inscription profession from profession trainer (guard in you
area can give you directions.
go to inscription supplier
– get Virtuoso Inking Set
Need to farm Peacebloom, Silverleaf, or Earthroot in orer to make alabaster pigment for moonglood ink,
go to in suppliner
  – buy5 alabaster pigments

1. open inscription tab ( p,k)
2. open inscription, press icon,


In World of Warcraft, milling is a profession skill primarily associated with the Inscription profession. Milling is used to turn herbs into pigments, which are then used to create inks for inscription recipes. Here’s how you can mill herbs in WoW:

  1. Learn Inscription: Before you can start milling, you need to learn the Inscription profession. You can learn it from an Inscription trainer in any major city.
  2. Acquire the Milling Skill: Once you have Inscription, visit an Inscription trainer again to learn the milling skill. The milling skill allows you to convert herbs into pigments.
  3. Obtain Herbs: To mill herbs, you first need to collect them. Herbs are found throughout the game world, and each herb type corresponds to a specific pigment.
  4. Visit a Milling Trainer: Milling trainers are usually found near Inscription trainers in major cities. Talk to the milling trainer and learn the milling skill.
  5. Open Inscription Window: Press ‘P’ to open your Professions window. Locate Inscription and click on it to open the Inscription window.
  6. Select the Herb: In the Inscription window, you will see the herbs you’ve gathered in your bags. Drag the herb you want to mill into the Inscription window.
  7. Milling Process: Once the herb is in the Inscription window, click on the “Milling” button. This will start the milling process, and you’ll receive pigments as a result.
  8. Collect Pigments: After milling, you’ll see the resulting pigments in your Inscription window. Collect these pigments, as they are the raw materials used to create inks.
  9. Create Inks: You can then use the pigments to create various inks, which are needed for crafting glyphs and other inscription items.

Remember that different herbs yield different pigments, and the quality of the pigments can vary. Some pigments are more valuable and are used in higher-level recipes. Experiment with different herbs to discover the pigments they produce and use this knowledge to your advantage in the Inscription profession.

WC-WOW Warcraft Index

WC-0000 WOW Warcraft Index

wc-1010 – Why Play WOW fb post
wc-0100    – download and install WOW

wc-1000 Getting Started 
      – download and install WOW
    – Set initial characteristics for first character – see fb
  - Do character basics see individual types
     warrier - hunter – mage – warlock – etc.
 After creating your first character you will need ot set up the options for the character and the User Interface (UI)

  wc-1110 Options
wc-7000 macros

WC-17000 Professions ==========================
wc-17010 Enchants, Inscriptions for Equipment.
  WC-17100 Inscription
   – WC-Milling
wc-17200 Enchanting
wc-17300 Leather working video
-wc-17380 Borean Leather
wc-17400 Herbalism
wc-17500 Alchemy – Vadarian
Classic Cataclysm
wc-17600 Jewel Crafting
wc-17700 Engineering
wc-17800 Tailor / bandges
100000 – CHARACTERS 
wc-1001000 Hunters    
  wc-1001100 Human Hunter Beastmaster
wc-1001200 Human Hunter xxxxx
wc-1001300 Human Hunter xxx
wc-1001400 Hunter pets
============================= —–
WC-1000000 Quests south Azeroth
wc-1001000 Northshire Human Sequence- FB
  - upon completing go to Goldshire to get to level 10.
wc-1001200 Exile Reach
View Post

wc-1001500 Goldshire 
wc-1001600 Duskwood


wc-1001700 – Redridge Mountains

wc-1016500 The Plaguelands =====================
wc-1016510 Hope Light Chappell

– Stormfeather Outpost
– Hevy Leather wolves

wc-1016100 Fuselight

Burning Stepps ————-==========================
Flaming Star outpost

wc-1012000 Loch Modan
   wc-1012100  Ironforge

wc-1011000 Stormwind and north)
wc-1016000 The Badlands ====================

wc-1013000 Strangelthorne ====================
– Duskwood – do Human Alliance quests at

wc-2000000 - Northend 
wc- 2001000 Borean Tundra – —- initial Human Alliance
  wc2011000 Alliance Keep
   wc-201 Out Like Flynn - Prison Break
      - part of starter quest from Stormwind
wc-2002000 Howling Fjord
wc-2003000 Dalaran

wc-300000 – Broken Isles
wc-3001000 Aszuna
wc-3002000 Brokenshores

wc-4000000 Shadowlands

wc-6000000 OUTLANDS
wc-7000000 Kalimdor
wc-Dustwallow Marsh
wc-7008000 Un’Goro Crater
wc-7008500 Sithilus

wctr-0000 travel index
wctr-1000 Stormwind
wctr-1010 Trade District to Harbor
wc-1020 Trade District to Mage Portal

wctr-1100 Stormwind to Iron Forge Tram
wctr-1200 Stormwind to Goldshire
wctr-2000 Dun Mourgh
   wctr-2100 Ironforge

wctr-2100 Iron Forge to Stormwind Tram

u- Video

u-1003000 Video Player
Adding a video to an Unity scene is a fairly straight froward process and can be done with no coding. However if you wish to pause and restart a video you will have to use C coding.

    - YouTube video
Steps to Add Video to Unity screen
-add video player and mp4 video fb

Quick Summary
-create render texture in project are
  – same size as video
-add video clip and render texture to player
-create UI raw image
– scale to desired size
select raw image by check mark
  – add the new render material to raw image
  – UNhcheck Video Player – unselect
See details of FB Post

Video Start/Pause

u-1100 Personalize Setup

u-1100 Set up you Screen

One of the most important steps to learn Unity is to understand the basic Unity screen. Most people just jump into creating a scene and only look at the setup when they run into trouble. You will save hours of time and frustration by spening a little time getting to know how to use the interface and set up a screen that meets your needs.

Remove the SkyBox from the scene.
Basic Hierarchy Overview

Edit -> Preferences
– set text scaling size
– set color – general – playmode tint.


u-4000 – GameObject

u-4000 – Object Actions
Prerequisites: Understand the Unity coordinate system.
The basic actions performed on an object are controlled by the objects Transform component. This component is located in the inspector panel when the object is selected.

u-4020 What can you do with a Unity GameObject.

ue-Unity Exercises

ue-0000 Unity Exercises

After 50 years of watching tutorials I have finally realized that I have retained very little from them. Most tutorials (mine included) are good at seeing how to do something, but very little of what learned is retained. This is because most tutorials cover too much information in too short a time.

ut-Basic Blocks

ut-Basic Blocks
Basic Blocks are the building blocks for creating Unity Projects and Scenes.

u-WebGL – Itch

u-WebGL – Itch
WebGL is a great way to provide access to your Unity Projects.

u-WebGL General
You can develop in Unity. Note that items that are mouse clicks will be touch objects when viewed on the web.
u-WebGL – install in Unity
u-WebGL – Publish
u-WebGL – upload to ITCH

  1. Open Unity
    Check to see that the WebGL Publisher is installed, if not install it.
  2. Create the Project in Unity
  3. Publish the project to build the build file
  4. Zip the file
  5. Open Itch and upload the file.
