Blender Force Fields

Force fields
Blender Made Easy
– samples of all froce fields. use forcefields.blend

00:00 Force Fields
– work with pretty much everything

00:33 – turn any object into a force field with physics tab

00:41 common settings for force fields

b-5100- Arrays

b-5100- Arrays

How to seperate object in arrays
Go into the editmode, select all vertices and press P: By Loose Parts Blender splits all unconnected vertices into an object

b-3510-Material Library VX- script

b-3510-Material Library VX script.

Material library

One of the most important aspects of blender, as you become more advanced, is to have it organized so that you can find things. As you become more experienced in blender, he will add many new materials to your drawings. These materials will be of different types colors and many other categories. As you get more and more of these materials they become harder and harder to manage. This is especially true when they’ve spread out over many different blend files.

The material library takes care of this problem. It allows you to create one, or many, libraries to hold your materials. Once created, these libraries are accessible to any blend file.

Blender has a new add on called the material library VX. I have blender version 2.92, and the add-on was already installed. This caused me a great deal of trouble because I assumed that it was installed, and I did not have to go look at the add on. That was a major mistake .If you wish to use this add on you must understand how it works, and that is what this tutorial is  about.


Start up blender with the new general layout. We can use the default cube as the object we need to look at a material. So select the object, scroll down the screen to the bottom. You will find the materials tab there. If you do not find the materials tab there that means that the add on has not been installed and you will have to go install the add on.  

b-3510-Material Library VX

b-3510-Material Library VX
– lots of patience
– Understand basic directory structure
– b-3500 – Basic Materials understanding

Blender Manual for Materials Library
How the Library Works
– nothing more than a directory
I recommend -make a new directory with nothing in it.
– set up material directory – Activate or Edit Addon
– add the path to the new directory in the addon path
– Fake User
– Add Material
– Warning – Do not use material blend files for anything else
– only have 1 blend file in your Materials Directory

– Using Categories
– poorly laid out

b-3510-Material Library VX – script

Reference videos
The CG Essentials –
0520 – Install addon
05:24 Material LIbrary
– Make sure you add path to materials directory.

Depak Graphics –

Not Good for how it works or how to install – shows how to use samples.
– ok if you want to see a bunch of samples.

– when will it get on hor to add?
00:29 Install Addon
Sanctus – may 2020
01:11 how to install addon

01:40 Install new library

totally useles


MufasuCAD –
No voice – worthless



b-200100-Basics – DCP Web Designsers
00:57 emit particles from cube
click on object to be the emitter
– select particles tab and click


Ducky 3D{

Blender Made Easy – Morph Particles

change particle color, size ove time – good



How armatures work VERY GOOD
how armatures work – very detailed

Skin and Armature – Joey Carlino – easy vertex sculpture with armatures
Timestamps: Intro
00:00 Starting Character 1
00:49 Making Hands
06:04 Low-poly Style 08:36 Starting Character 2 09:10 Adding More Mass
10:31 Making Muscles
11:48 Adding An Armature
14:15 Posing Tip 15:00 Outro 16:20

Armatures in plane mesh

blender3.0 overview ok



Creating the Armature

  1. Select the model, then go into Object Mode.
  2. Press “Ctrl + Numpad 3” to go into a sideways view.
  3. Select the Wireframe View.
  4. Press “Shift + A” to add an armature. Congratulations, you now have the core bone for your model! Grant Abbot
Animating a very basic Snake

Armatures – Grant Abbot
Mechanical Armature


Course for Rigby\
Basics of how understand imported rigs.


nap-101039 Otherism

What is otherism?

What is otherism? Otherism is not about the color a persons skin. It is not about who you claim as friends. It is not about the charities you support.
Otherism is about how your soul looks at ‘others’. Who are the ‘others’? Others are all who do not share our own personal goals and beliefs. They are the people who you fear will change your way of life.
We have become a nation where ‘others’ are to be feared and outcast. We have lost the ability to see the truth and instead accept the lies we want to hear.
We are no longer a nation that shares its wealth and goodwill with the world, but hordes it as if it were a precious commodity to be bargained for.
 We thought that the 2020 election was for the soul of our country. But we were wrong.  Changing the political power from one political party to another party will not solve our nation’s dysfunction.  The soul of our country is not determined by whatever political party is in power.  It is determined by the beliefs of the people of the country.  These beliefs are determined by what we learn at home, in school, and in our religious institutions.  This is where Change is needed. 

Until America learns that trust, goodwill, and respect are more powerful than fear, hate, bigotry and distrust America will never be the nation of freedom and equality that the nations founders envisioned.
There will always be those who believe that ‘others’ are out to get them.  There will always be someone, or some group, using ‘others’ to divide us to promote personal gain, be it financial or for power.   Until, as a nation, we have the moral and ethical strength needed to control these people we will continue to be a divided country.
Only when we stop seeing ‘others’ and see ‘Americans’ will we become ‘one nation under God’.