Bluehost Support

Finally back up after being down for two days. Not happy with Blue Host. Somehow they messed up my SSL certificate and getting it re-registered was a pain.

Blender – Dynamic Sky Addon

Blender Dynamic Sky
This is an new addon as of Blender 2.8 called Dynamic Lighting. see video. I am sad to say that after a couple of hours playing with the adjustments I am very disappointed in it. Probably just me.

Blender Manual – very good

!!! Warning =  “The Dynamic World could not be found in the Worlds’ Data – this message caused by not having Render set to EEVVEE !!! Also make sure you are working in a blendfile that has been saved. Should work in cycles onece everything is ok.

Daylignt with clouds

Night with clouds

Blender – Extrude – 001

An example of an easy to make extrude item.

  1. Open Blender to new layout.
    Select the default cube

  2. Add catmull-clark modifier,
    set multiplier to 5
    Leave render at 2.
  3. Start Extude/Size sequence

Detail Video -Teardrops.
The basic sequence is:
extrude – resize – extrude – resize.

WP – Anchor

WordPress Anchor in Paragraph Block

What is an Anchor.

How do you create an anchor
1. Select the Text you want to serve as the item to be linked. Highlight it and select the link option. Instead of entering an URL just enter the text text that you want to be the LINK ID. EXP= link1ID. Copy this ID without the # , only copy the text portion.

2. Find the text you want to link to. Highlight it. Go to Advanced section of the Block Editor.
Enter the ID you created,without the #. If you followed the instructions above you can just paste it in

Vision Friendly Site

What is a vision friendly site. It is a site that does everything possible to reduce white backgrounds on a screen. This site does use white text on a black background for a better contrast,
If you truly have bad vision,as I do, and you are overly sensitive to a bright screeen you should turn on the Microsoft High Contrast setting in the Ease of use section of the Control Panel.
This video gives details. It is unfortunately done with High Contrass off so for me it is difficult to watch. I will try to remake it at some point with High Contrast on so it is less painful to watch.

If you use google Chrome you can add an extension that will make most pages open in dark mode. Go to chrome settings and select themes. Download a dark mode theme. You will have to activate the theme with the extensions widget at the top right of the screen.

Bluehost Backup

—– verify installation complete —

031721 – Received confirmation email- now goo to go.

I have decided that it is time to install a backup. I initially did not select the Bluehost backup $36 a year. After thinking about it, and looking at the WordPress plugin options I have decided to go ahead with the BlueHost. It cost about ten cents a day, and I now have enough on the site to make it worth it.

Spent long time on phone (good call). Bluehost is now setting up the backup.


Editing of WordPress paragraph blocks is very limited.

Why can’t the paragraph block editor do more?

I should be able to do this with the default paragraph editor.

How to use Open Office Writer to place almost any text into a WordPress HTML Block.

Note: this is a terrible video, but for now, better than nothing.


As of version 5.7 you can now install a SSL certificate via plugins in WordPress. Before you do you must buy an SSL certificate or install a free one.
I have not tried these plugins yet.

I still think that going with the Bluehost starter package that includes a no hassle domain and SSL certificate is the easiest way to go.

Really Simple SSL Plugin (free)

As always a premium upgrade.
Get a Free SSL

WP – Blender Title Blocks

I am making my title blocks with Blender. I can easily create 3d titles to use with WordPress. I really do need tomake a video on this as it is easy if I do it in the right sequence