CS-5000 -Text
Text is the foundation of CreateStudio.
5100 Basic Text
5200 Text Animation
CS-5000 -Text
Text is the foundation of CreateStudio.
5100 Basic Text
5200 Text Animation
csp-11000 Sound and Audio see Video Editor
Audio is crucial to a great video. Whether is is the right musical background or the right sound effects it has a great impact on the video.
CSP has great sound editing capabilities. In addition to the ability to cut and paste sound tracks, it can be used to make separate video and sound tracks from a mp4 video. You can then cut and past the separated tracks to sync up scenes with their audio, or to actually lip-sync characters.
csp-11100 Audio/sound
Addional Resources
– myTutorial – sound Fading. – needs to be re-done
– CSP user tutorial – fading – very detailed and long, lot of
csp-11200 – Audio/Video Sync
csp-11205 – Lipsync 3d characters Randy’s Tips
csp-11210- 3d DAZ Import to CSP
– lip sync and voice added in CS{
=== References ====
– intro a lot of useful infor about audio
– start of fading tutorial
csp- 2640 Number Counter Component
A number counter can easily be added to the canvas.
1. Select Components – Number Counter and drag to canvas.
2. In properties tab set starting and ending count.
– can count up or down.
2. on timeline stretch the counter block to desired time it
is to run.
3. this component has all of the common CSP properties.
set desired properties.
csp- 1105a – Select canvas format
The canvas format determines the shape and size of the canvas.
CSP has several standard formats and also allows for a custom format.
Standard Formats
daz-0000 index
0100 – preferences window – workspace – customize
video set preferences
– additional preferences
– how to find them
daz-2000 Posing
daz-2300 Expressions
daz-4000 LIghting
– basic lighting tutorial
– three point lighting
– square source
— Reference Tutorials
face control video
FaceControls video
– how to make a primitive chair prop
export to blhttps://youtu.be/fUI1A84tCmAender
– export to blender1
csp-1105 – New Project (YouTube playlist)
A new project starts out with a blank canvas that can be used
for creating new projects from scratch.
— video: myTutorial- New Project – needs update
csp-1105a OPEN AND SET UP CANVAS ==============
– group and name and frame
– when at start of timeline can click and see name in comment
– Open CSP
— Click ‘New Project’
– see – video formats reference for detailed options.
— Set canvas format
– 720 – 1080 – Facebook
Select canvas color , font, size,
— press create project.
— add frame if desired.
It is hard to distinguish the black canvas from the black background. You can create an outline to show where the canvas is.
– video mytutorial add frame
1 Save the Project ===============================
Saving the project is one of the most important actions you can take.
Press the ‘save’ button in the upper right hand corner next the the Publish button. If this is the first time the project is saved you will be prompted to select a directory and enter a filename for the project. Note that the location of files is critical in CSP. You can save them whereever yo want, but once saved you should not re-name or move them.
2- Canvas and Timeline
The canvas is the work area where you create or import the assets that you will add to the timeline. The screen is divided into the canvas and the timeline. You can adjust the relationship by moving the cursor between the areas and dragging it up or down.
The timeline is the ‘canvas’ you crate the animation on.
The time pointer is used to determine where an asset is placed on the timeline when the asset is created or imported.
Make sure when you start the project that the time pointer is set at 0.
add a text box ====================
The first asset we will add to the canvas will be a text box. This is probably the most used of all assets. Use the text icon at the top of the screen to add the text box to the canvas. It will automatically be added to the timeline with a time duration of about 5 seconds. This can be changed by clicking on the right edge of the box and dragging ti to the desired time duration.
When a text box is added the the canvas it will usually have to be. scaled. and positioned.
You can then double click on the text box to edit the text.
Groups and Layers – Basics
Understanding the concept of layers and groups is critical to understandin templates and making videos.
Importing file ======================
Make sure your time pointer is set at the point you want the mported video or asset to appear.
Open the Media tab and select the folder, global or project you want the imported file to be placed in.
Select Import.
Your computer file directory will be opened.
Select the file you wish to be imported and press ‘open’.
The file will be imported into the currently selected folder.
Drag the file from the folder to to canvas, it will automatically be added to the timeline.
Add music =========================.
Music or sound can be added from the included Music assets, or it can be imported.
Add a voice track ==================
Edit the video/voice tracks
Make a cut,
add a transition. ===================
csp-1106d Publish ======================
When your video is completer you can publish your image, video, or audio track.
CSP official Tutorial – publishing – Very Good
csp – official tutorial – set last frame – not a video
csp-0030 – How to use the CSP Index
The CSP index is a webpage with links to CSP tutorials and how to’s.
It is intended to provide quick access to specific CSP information.
How does it work. Very Simple.
1. If you are not on the CSP – Index page then go to CSP- Index
2. press CTRL -F to search the index page.
If you do not find what you are looking for use the
search box in the upper right hand corner the page to
search the entire site.
CSP Quick Tips (cspqt) are short informational videos or posts to highlight useful items easily overlooked when getting started in CSP.
cspqt-0000 index
cspqt-001 – blur?
cspqt-002 – an quickly and easily add an image to the Global area by simply copiing the image and then pasting
cspqt-003 – Animating Scrolling Text – Maureen Michaud
use positioning buttons
cspqt-004 – Motion Presets
Presets are one of the most useful parts of the common Motions
They can be used to save asset animations that are to be used over and over, so the asset doe not have to be saved to MyScenes.
rpr-0000 Index
rpr-100 Settings
Settings-how to reset
nap-Respect fb post
Respect has to be one the the driving attributes of a unified nation.
Respect is the greatest victim of Donald J Trump and The Cult45.
Is is just me, or is there no respect for America left in this country.
I grew up saying “”I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands”.
The flag was the sacred symbol of America. It was the symbol we carried into battle and died for.
Today we allow, and some even encourage, protestors to burn or
desecrate the flag in the guise of freedom of speech.
It is time to bring respect and civility back into America. Not with the crushing boot of a dictator, but with the enforcement of democratic laws of a free nation by a justice department free from the corruption of politics and corruption.
Until the American culture once again see America as the greatest nation on the earth it will fail to have the respect of itself or the rest of the world.
—- References—
072424 — Wash DC Netanya speech protest.
050124 –— UNC Palestinian Protest